born in Düsseldorf
lives and works in Berlin
2010 – 2018
Fine art study of painting with Prof. Tomma Abts, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
2012 – 2013
Meanwhile study of painting with Prof. Bernard Piffaretti,
Prof. Dominique Figarelli and Prof. Silvie Fanchon,
École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris
Meanwhile study of painting with Prof. Enrico David, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Meisterschülerin and Akademiebrief (diploma with distinction)
of Prof. Tomma Abts, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Grants/ scholarships:
Kebbel Villa Oberpfälzer Künstlerdorf Fronberg in Bavaria
2024, Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt, Berlin
Art Award Viersen Kunstgenerator, Galerie im Park, Viersen (shortlist)
Lemgo Art Award 2021, Galerie Eichenmüllerhaus, Lemgo (shortlist)
Atelier Galata, funded by Kunststiftung NRW, Artist Residency in Istanbul
701 e.V. Kunstverein Düsseldorf (art club), Artist Residency in Wuppertal
Strabag Art Award International 2019, Vienna, Austria (shortlist)
Blooom Art Award 2018 by Warsteiner, art fair ART Düsseldorf (shortlist)
Art Award of the 72. internationale Bergische Kunstausstellung, art museum Solingen (shortlist)
Art Award Follow Up 2018, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, PWC Kunstpreis, Düsseldorf (shortlist)
International ARTAGON Project, Akademie Galerie, Düsseldorf (shortlist)
College for music and art Montepulciano and the college for music and dance Collogne, Artist Residency in Montepulciano
Art Award of the APO Bank, museum K21, Art collection NRW, Düsseldorf (shortlist)
German French Youth Work, École nationale supérieure des beaux- arts de Paris
trying to find the one by seeking and hiding, curated by Roger Rohrbach, B12 Bottrop
TBA, curated by Philipp Valenta, B12 Bottrop
TBA, curated by Marieke van Dijk and Tanja Ritterbex, museum MORE, Gorssel, NL
TBA Goldrausch 2024, Berlin
PAROLI, DOD definition of done Gallery, curated by Christine Hauptmann and Kuba Freter, Cologne
BLICKFELDER 35. Übersichtsausstellung, Westdeutscher Künstlerbund, Museum Schloss Moyland, Bedburg-Hau
When it`s at your tip of your tongue, curated by Vera Keckstein, Kunstverein (art club) Bad Godesberg Bonn
We don't pray for love – we just pray for cars, curated by Maren Ullrich and Roger Rohrbach, Museum Gelsenkirchen,
Alter Wartesaal Herne
Repurpose Textiles, curated by Wilko Austermann, Kunstverein Mönchengladbach (art club),
Kunstverein Krefeld (art club) Düsseldorf
Blended, curated by Bengü Gün, Mixerarts Mixer Gallery, Istanbul
Fabric of Art, curated by Pia Witzmann, 701 e.V. Düsseldorf Kunstverein (art club), Open Space for 51 international artists,
historic ribbon weaver factory Kaiser und Dicke, Wuppertal
DIE GROSSE 2019, Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Exhibition North Rhine Westphalia, Düsseldorf
PLANET 58, curated by Agnieska Skolimowska and Linda Walther, K21 Art collection North Rhine Westphalia,
museum Ständehaus, Düsseldorf
RUTH, Gallery Susanne Neuerburg, Hennef
2018 salondergegenwart, Hamburg
72. internationale Bergische Kunstausstellung (72. international art exhibition of the area around Solingen),
curated by Eva Birkenstock, Dr. Yilmaz Dziewior, Gisela Elbracht-Iglhaut, Gesa Hüwe, art museum Solingen
Art Scene & Unseen, ForumTri, curated by Annemie Van Laethem, Erik Croux, Mat Verberkt,
Kasteel d`Aspremont-Lynden in Oud-Rekem, Belgium
New Talents – thecolognebiennial, curated by Jochen Heufelder and Wilko Austermann, DEG- Kunst, Cologne
Vertrauen (trust), curated by Gerdrud Peters and Prof. Tomma Abts, museum KIT, Kunst im Tunnel and Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
IMAGINE, curated by Prof. Tomma Abts and Alastair Mackinven, UCL Slade School of fine Arts in
Londonnewcastle Project Space in London
Painting of today 2, curated by Prof. Tomma Abts and Prof. Christa Näher, Art school Städelschule, Ölhalle Art Space Frankfurt
born in Düsseldorf
lives and works in Berlin
2010 – 2018
Fine art study of painting with Prof. Tomma Abts, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
2012 – 2013
Meanwhile study of painting with Prof. Bernard Piffaretti, Prof. Dominique Figarelli and Prof. Silvie Fanchon, École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris
Meanwhile study of painting with Prof. Enrico David, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Meisterschülerin and Akademiebrief (diploma with distinction) of Prof. Tomma Abts, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Grants/ scholarships:
Kebbel Villa Oberpfälzer Künstlerdorf Fronberg in Bavaria
Goldrausch Künstlerinnenprojekt, Berlin
Art Award Viersen Kunstgenerator, Galerie im Park, Viersen (shortlist)
Lemgo Art Award 2021, gallery Eichenmüllerhaus, Lemgo (shortlist)
Atelier Galata 2024, funded by Kunststiftung NRW, Artist Residency in Istanbul
701 e.V. Kunstverein (art club) Düsseldorf, Artist Residency in Wuppertal
Strabag Art Award International 2019, Vienna (shortlist)
Blooom Art Award 2018 by Warsteiner, art fair ART Düsseldorf (shortlist)
Art Award of the 72. internationale Bergische Kunstausstellung, art museum Solingen (shortlist)
Art Award Follow Up 2018, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, PWC Kunstpreis, Düsseldorf (shortlist)
International ARTAGON Project, Akademie Galerie, Düsseldorf (shortlist)
College for music and art Montepulciano and the college for music and dance Collogne, Artist Residency in Montepulciano
Art Award of the APO Bank, museum K21, Art collection NRW, Düsseldorf (shortlist)
German French Youth Work, École nationale supérieure des beaux- arts de Paris
trying to find the one by seeking and hiding, curated by Roger Rohrbach, B12 Bottrop
TBA, curated by Philipp Valenta, B12 Bottrop
TBA, curated by Marieke van Dijk and Tanja Ritterbex, museum MORE, Gorssel, NL
TBA Goldrausch 2024, Berlin
PAROLI, DOD definition of done Gallery, curated by Christine Hauptmann and Kuba Freter, Cologne
BLICKFELDER 35. Übersichtsausstellung, Westdeutscher Künstlerbund, Museum Schloss Moyland, Bedburg-Hau
When it`s at your tip of your tongue, curated by Vera Keckstein, Kunstverein (art club) Bad Godesberg Bonn
We don't pray for love – we just pray for cars, curated by Maren Ullrich and Roger Rohrbach, Museum Gelsenkirchen, Alter Wartesaal Herne
Repurpose Textiles, curated by Wilko Austermann, Kunstverein Mönchengladbach (art club), Kunstverein Krefeld (art club) Düsseldorf
Blended, curated by Bengü Gün, Mixerarts Mixer Gallery, Istanbul
Fabric of Art, curated by Pia Witzmann, 701 e.V. Düsseldorf Kunstverein (art club), Open Space for 51international artists, historic ribbon weaver factory Kaiser und Dicke, Wuppertal
DIE GROSSE 2019, Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, Exhibition North Rhine Westphalia, Düsseldorf
PLANET 58, curated by Agnieska Skolimowska and Linda Walther, K21 Art collection North Rhine Westphalia, museum Ständehaus, Düsseldorf
RUTH, Gallery Susanne Neuerburg, Hennef
2018 salondergegenwart, Hamburg
72. internationale Bergische Kunstausstellung (72. international art exhibition of the area around Solingen), curated by Eva Birkenstock, Dr. Yilmaz Dziewior, Gisela Elbracht-Iglhaut, Gesa Hüwe, art museum Solingen
Art Scene & Unseen, ForumTri, curated by Annemie Van Laethem, Erik Croux, Mat Verberkt, Kasteel d`Aspremont-Lynden in Oud-Rekem, Belgium
New Talents – thecolognebiennial, curated by Jochen Heufelder and Wilko Austermann, DEG- Kunst, Cologne
Vertrauen (trust), curated by Gerdrud Peters and Prof. Tomma Abts, museum KIT, Kunst im Tunnel and Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
IMAGINE, curated by Prof. Tomma Abts and Alastair Mackinven, UCL Slade School of fine Arts in Londonnewcastlle Project Space in London
Painting of today 2, curated by Prof. Tomma Abts and Prof. Christa Näher, Art school Städelschule, Ölhalle Art Space Frankfurt